About us
Royal School of Business and Finance
Is an entity that will be dedicated to run ICAEW programme in Indonesia
ICAEW is a professional Qualification which launched The certificate in Finance , Accounting and Business (CFAB) which is one of the programmes we would be offering.
It is an Institution which would Focus essential knowledge in the fundamentals of finance, accounting and business and can be used as an entry route into the ICAEW programme.
The ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB) will teach students the key elements to help them on the road to success, and get students started their journey to become Chartered Accountant.
ICAEW provides the community of professionals with the power to build and sustain strong economies. By training, developing and supporting accountants throughout their career, ICAEW ensures that they have the expertise and value to meet the needs of tomorrow’s businesses.